Frank, Paulette, Rebecca & Matthew Vasey
Welcome to our shop website!
The idea of an Antique and Book store began in the 1980's when rheumatologist Frank & quality improvement nursing administrator Paulette were considering ways to turn a passion for collecting "treasures" otherwise heirloom relics into a business for their lovely daughter Rebecca of special needs due to the spastic quadriplegia from cerebral palsy. Operations have humbly evolved to a retirement business and labor of love for Frank & Paulette. Emergency physician son Matthew has been emotionally inspired to help support the family business in effort to sustain this old fashion retail shop idea. With diverse Anglo-Mediterranean, special needs and frontline healthcare roots we hope for there to be an educational and inclusive learning opportunity for all types with appreciation for unique and dynamic natural supply constraints of an Antique & (gently used) Book business. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to learn and listen our friendly customers. Of note, Matthew has not quit his day job.
The Vasey's